what is happiness?
Happiness is a mixture of positive emotional experience and a deeper sense of meaning and purpose in life. According to psychologists, happiness is comprised of three elements, pleasant life, good life and meaning full life.
Why is it important to stay happy?
Scientific study has revealed that happiness promotes healthy life style. It helps to resist stress, boosts immunity, protects heart and even increase life span. Researches show that happier people have better mental health. They have less chances of mental diseases like depression and anxiety, dementia, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder.
What are some ways to stay happy?
Many people think that how can be I happy? But it is not difficult to stay happy all time. Here are some ideas which will help you to stay happy.
•Stay positive
Having positive thoughts and to eradicate negativity from your mind can really be helpful for someone to stay happy. Positivity brings about health benefits like increased life span, boosted immunity, better psychological condition than others, reduced risks of cardio vascular diseases. Positivity enables you to believe in yourself and to show self-esteem and confidence. Positivity shows result only if a person has healthier life style.
•love your self
Self-love is like to trust in yourself. It is very important for happiness and brings about self-confidence, satisfaction and positivity. This all-cause internal peace and happiness. There is a saying that
“To fall in yourself is the first secret of happiness “
Self-love can give us positive attitude towards life. It changes someone’s point of view for life. Self-love means taking care of your needs and not to sacrifice yourself to please others.
Eat healthy
Eating healthy, balanced diet or avoiding inflammatory foods helps you to relieve stress and maybe protective against depression. Foods which are rich in vitamins like B1(thiamine), B2(riboflavin), B3(niacin), B6(pyridoxine), B7(Biotin) and B12(cyanocobalamin) boost up serotonin which is mood regulating neuro transmitter.
Researchers believe that eating greens also make you happy as they contain vitamin B.
Engage in regular physical activities
Research shows that exercise helps you to reduce anxiety and stress. Exercise increases the production of certain hormones such as endorphins, dopamine, adrenaline and endocannabinoid. These are all associated with happiness, less stress, prolonged life span.
According to Mc gonigal’s research “exercising outside has the same effect on body as meditation does”
Get enough sleep
Sleep is necessary for good health. getting enough sleep increases your immunity, regulates appetite, metabolism, memory, learning and happiness.
Research shows that people who get enough sleep are happier than those who does not sleep enough.
After a sleepless night, you may be more grumped, short-tempered, and vulnerable to stress. Once you sleep well, your mood often returns to normal. Studies have shown that even partial sleep deprivation has a significant effect on mood.
Listen to music
Listening to music can be very helpful for you to be happy. Upbeat music boosts up dopamine production which is associated to happiness. While. Calming music helps you to relax body and mind. Neuro scientists have discovered that music enhances positive emotion through the reward center of brain and increasing production of dopamine which boosts up happiness.
Over view
It’s not difficult to achieve happiness and to get rid of depression. All you need is just proper food, sleep, exercise, meditation and music of your interest. Positive attitude and having good friend are very helpful for you to be happy.